30 inch Mejzlik Carbon 2 Blade Prop

30 inch Mejzlik Carbon 2 Blade Prop


These high performance props feature hollow blades fabricated from uni-directional and bi-directional carbon fiber and epoxy. While very light, they are super strong, with a solid hub area allowing them to be drilled for Multi bolt hubs. The finish is a beautiful high gloss, clear epoxy gel-coat over black woven carbon fiber. All are factory balanced.

  • $329.00AUD
  • Incl. GST
In stock(2 items available)

Please select the pitch that you require. All props have a centre hole, and may require drilling to suit your engine. We offer a drilling service to suit DA engines. The DA drill pattern may suit some other brands, however we do not keep drill guides to suit any other brands other than DA.

    • SKU
      MEJZ2 30x10
    • Weight
      0.6000 kg
  • Manufacturer
  • Please select prop pitch
    30x10, 30x10L, 30x12, 30x12L, 30x13Evo, 30x13Evo L, 30x13EvoLF, 30.5x13.5Q
  • Drill Prop?
    No, Yes
  • If prop is to be drilled, please specify engine
    ---------, DA50, DA85, DA100, DA120, DA150, DA170, DA200

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