Pilot RC 115" Extra NG Scheme 07

Pilot RC 115" Extra NG Scheme 07

SKU: PRC Extra NG 115 07

A brand new design, built from a classic. In 2019 Extra Acrobatic Aircraft unveiled their latest masterpiece, and now in 2020 Pilot-RC is unveiling ours.

The Extra NG is the latest iteration of the Extra family, each version becoming more precise and more agile than ever before, and this feeds down all the way through our models.

This new design, combined with all of Pilot-RC’s latest build innovations and methods provide a high quality kit that can be built within minutes upon arrival at the flying field and relied upon for strength, agility and all round fun.

The Pilot-RC Extra NG 115″ is a completely unlimited high performance airframe capable of 150-170cc Class. Ryu Sintuphrom Team pilot say this plane can be perform like a 120cc, has a good combination of float in low and slow flight, but still agile and precise in high speed flight XA with as fast as you want rolling rate like the 120cc plane


Model:Extra NG
Wingspan:115″ (2.920mm)
Length:107.5″ (2.730mm)
Wing area:2,182″² (14,082cm²)
Weight:38.2lbs (17.4kg)

  • $2990.00AUD
  • Incl. GST
Only 1 left in stock

More info at: Pilot RC Website

NEW! Hybrid construction from wood and composite materials for specially reinforced fuselage and wings.  
NEW! Patented quick assembly system for wings and stabilizer
NEW! Patented quick assembly system for canopy.
Film covering applied over a Genuine German Oracover (Ultracote) base
Highly prefabricated, experienced builders can have air ready in under a day
Pre-installed hinges (glued and sealed)
Internally mounted cowling – so no visible external screws exposed (two exposed screws underneath for easy mounting)
Removable wings and stabs
Laser engraved motor mounting position
Easy canister/tuned pipe installation due to open construction
Pull push system for Rudder servo

Included hardware:
Complete air frame with all basic accessories (such as carbon fibre main undercarriage, tail-gear assembly and wing-tubes as well as fibreglass control horns and wheel pants)
“Spare” lower section cowl from transparent plastic – used to mark out correct location to cut the cowl for perfect fitting every time
Pre-installed hinges and pre-mounted canopy
Fuel tank and fuel tubing pre-prepared, fuel dot and breather valve
Wheels, axels and wheel pants
Pre-prepared pushrods with ball links
Matching carbon spinner, 5″

Required hardware:
Motor: 150-180cc or equivalent electric
Servos: 8 high torque plus throttle // Uses x2 per aileron, x1 per elevator half and x1 or x2 on rudder using push-pull
Also requires all the usual accessories such as transmitter, receiver, propeller, batteries, powerbox, extension leads and possibly other small accessories.

Pilot-Rc recommended hardware:
Servos: Pilot-Rc PW48AH (48Kg – 0,10s at 8,4v)
Servo arms: Pilot-Rc 1,6″ Aluminium arms (included with Pilot-Rc servos)
Wingbags: Pilot-RC wingbags
Suncover: Acrobatic Suncover

    • SKU
      PRC Extra NG 115 07
    • Weight
      50.0000 kg

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