Xoar Beechwood Props

Xoar Beechwood Props


Most popular model for Model Airplane Propellers Best quality beechwood from Germany Digitally machined and manufactured in CNC program Manual finish to perfect 2 layers of primer coating + 2 layers of glossy protection coating prevent corrosion Manually Pre-balanced Pre-drilled QC qualified

  • $44.00AUD
  • Incl. GST
In stock(1 item available)

Most popular model for Model Airplane Propellers

Best quality beechwood from Germany

Digitally machined and manufactured in CNC program

Manual finish to perfect 2 layers of primer coating + 2 layers of glossy protection coating prevent corrosion

Manually Pre-balanced Pre-drilled QC qualified


Props are Standard Beechwood from 20" to 23", and Laminated 24"+

    • SKU
      XOA 21x8
    • Weight
      0.4000 kg
  • Select Size and Pitch
    21x8, 34x10 Laminated

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